Laboratory facilities
1. Synthesis: low and high temperature methods
- Ball mills, sample presses
- Autoklaw: Büchi reactor300 mL.
- Vacuum dryers
- Spin coater
- Tube and chamber furnaces (temperature range up to 1750°C)
2. Research and modeling of functional properties of materials
- Panalytical Empyrean diffractometer
- Raman ThermoFisher DXR microscope
- Measurements of electrical conductivity and thermoelectric force vs. function of temperature (-196°C to 50°C)
- Solartron 1260 Impedance Spectroscopy
- TA Q5000IR Thermogravimeter with mass spectrometer
- DCS TA Q2000
- Dilatometer
3.Assembly and tests of Li-ion, Na-ion and fuel cells
- MBraun handling chambers for cell production
- Devices for electrochemical tests of cells
- Semi-technical line for the production of 18650 cells
- Sondy ceramiczne do testowania wysokotemperaturowych ogniw paliwowych
- Potencjostaty/galwanostaty: Solartron 1287A i 1252A, Autolab PGSTAT302N
- KEST 32K amperostat