November 30, 2022

Poland wants to stay ahead of electric mobility trends

Only through the cooperation of three sectors: public, scientific and business, will it be possible to develop electric mobility and start producing batteries in Europe

Signing of the agreement of the Polish scientific consortium Pol-Stor-En. (Photo By the Ministry of Energy)

"Only through the cooperation of three sectors: government, science and business, will it be possible to develop electric mobility and start battery production in Europe," Energy Minister Krzysztof Truszewski said during the opening ceremony of the Polish scientific consortium Pol – Stor-En with seven scientific divisions. The event, which took place on February 21, 2018 at the ME headquarters, was also attended by Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emilevich and Deputy Minister of Energy Michal Kurtika.

The Tech Race

"To enter the technological race with other states in the field of electric mobility, we all need to cooperate – both politicians, scientists, and businessmen," said Energy Minister Krzysztof Truszewski. He added that he is extremely pleased with the desire to interact with research institutions in the field of energy storage. Moreover, Polish universities are already conducting numerous studies on energy conversion and applied electrochemistry.

The head of the Energy Department stressed that the creation of Pol-Stor-En fits into the prerequisites of strategic documents developed in ME, such as the plan for the development of electric mobility and directions for the development of energy innovations. It is also compatible with EU projects.

Deputy Minister Michal Kurtica noted that the European Commission recently launched an initiative called the EU Battery Alliance, which aims to create a competitive value chain and manufacture battery cells in Europe. "Today's agreement is an example that Poland can take an active part in this project and is ready to cooperate in developing energy storage technologies and building a strong electric vehicle battery industry in Europe," he said. He noted that we also have the raw materials needed for the production of batteries, and Polish entrepreneurs have the potential to participate in the development of this sector.

Join forces for electric mobility

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy said that we are currently facing a unique situation in Europe, when many institutes, research companies, and universities conduct numerous studies of battery components, often without consulting them with each other. - Therefore, it is necessary to combine efforts and develop a comprehensive product that can be used by industry. Cooperation of the Pol-Stor-En Research Consortium with business definitely increases the probability of success and, consequently, the commercialization of work results, he justified.

According to the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology Jadwiga Emiliewicz, electric mobility is a global trend, and Poland wants to become one of the European leaders in this industry. "Therefore, we are creating the best conditions for the development of this sector in our country. We have a huge potential, and we want to make the most of it. Today's event-the creation of a Polish scientific consortium that will work on the development of a Polish battery for electric vehicles-brings us closer to achieving this ambitious goal. Electric mobility is not just one of the cures for air pollution. This is, first of all, an opportunity for the development of Polish entrepreneurs and our economy, " the Minister said.

The Polish scientific consortium Pol-Stor-En consists of: Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Gdansk Polytechnic Institute, Poznan Polytechnic University, Warsaw Polytechnic University, Jagiellonian University and the University of Warsaw. Its main goal is to increase the scientific potential for the development of energy storage and to cooperate with industry, whose main task will be to develop new solutions in this area.

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