We were very excited to hear the news of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry being awarded to pioneers of lithium cell technology. John B. Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino were awarded "for developing lithium batteries," according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ' rationale.
We don't always realize how much impact the discovery and introduction of this technology has had on our current lives. Yet we use smartphones, laptops, or other portable electronics on a daily basis, we don't have to worry about accessing a power outlet when using power tools, electric cars have stopped being a futuristic dream and become a reality, and large-scale energy storage facilities allow efficient use of renewable energy, helping to protect the environment... these are just a few examples of the applications of lithium batteries that have revolutionized the technological progress of our time.
The decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences makes us all the more happy because we share scientific interests with this year's Nobel laureates. At the Department of Hydrogen Energy, we conduct research on groups of advanced cathode and anode materials for lithium cells, as well as sodium elements, which determine the further development of electrochemical methods of energy storage. We have patents for materials and technologies for lithium cells based on raw materials available in Poland.

Winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Professor Stanley Whittingham at the 6th International Symposium: Systems with Fast Ion Transport, organized by Prof. Pictured is a gala dinner at the Wieliczka salt mine.

Professor John B. Goodenough (winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) at the Laboratoire de Chemie du Solide conference in Bordeaux in 1981. Next to Prof. S. Mrovec and Prof. J. Molenda (AGH).

Professor Janina Molenda and Professor Claude Delmas at the Laboratoire de Chemie du Solide conference in Bordeaux in 1981.

Photo: Personal archive of Prof.

Winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Professor Stanley Whittingham at the 6th International Symposium: Systems with Fast Ion Transport, organized by Prof. Pictured is a gala dinner at the Wieliczka salt mine.